Monday, January 6, 2025

Kõik need tabletid


   Käisime sõbraga hommikust söömas. Kui mina piirdusin kahe pirukaga, siis tema võttis lisaks  à la carte  tellitud pudrule veel kaheksa tabletti! Ise tahab  kevadel Kablisse grilli-ja saunaõhtule tulla lugupeetud kultuurprouasid lõbustama!!! Hea, kui seks ajaks surnt pole (pipart mulle keelele ja püksi!)


helle said...

Head uut aastat ja tervist!

konn, lendav konn said...

Tänan ja tervist vaja!:) NB! Need ei olnud minu tabletid:D

mustkaaren said...

Tablettide võtmine ei saa ometi saunaminekut takistada.
Loodetavasti need ravumid töötavad õigesti.
Head värskeltalanut!

konn, lendav konn said...

Jah - saunagi saab ju tabletikarbi kaasa võtta! :) Tänan ja head uut sullegi!

helle said...

Sain aru jah(oskan lugeda).

Denis Phillips said...

Hack West Credit Repair is way faster than other companies & they accomplish in 30-45 days what other companies purposely drag out ton up to 2 years! Kinda ridiculous? So here is the story ...before I decided to choose a Credit Repair Company, I decided on 3 potential companies. I won't use the 2 other company names out of respect for the employees that work there. Two were local and 1 was a national company that kept popping up on the internet & I heard on the radio a million times. I called the national company 1st cause their website and marketing looked & sound great. I came to find out that the national company only challenges 3 to 5 items monthly & that means it would take nearly 2 years to do what the local places accomplish in 45 days...I was a bit miffed about that cause the national company NEVER told me this. So the difference between the 2 local companies was important in how they charge...1 local company had a suspect pay for delete plan that charged $75 per item deleted, so for every ten items it would be $750 dollars! Basically they would bill me at 45 days & if I don't pay them then their paperwork said they would send me to COLLECTIONS!!! I would totally avoid any Pay for Delete Credit Repair because I felt they were setting me up for a huge bill & then to have the nerve to send me to collections. Finally, I chose Hack West Credit Repair because they have 2 Credit Plan choices and they are flexible enough. Also HACKWEST@WRITEME.COM plans are CANCEL ANYTIME easily by messaging them through the email they provide. Texas Best also was the ONLY company to offer a 100 Point Money Back Guarantee & a 6 Month Free Guarantee! What else have I not told you? They fixed my report and added over 3 tradelines to my report. I was able to access a loan of over $66,890 with low interest rate after fixing my credit score. All thanks to Hack West